Udovychenko V.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4588-8149
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
In the tourism sector of the economy, food is taking a high position during short-term’s and long-term travels, on the one hand, and also, on the other hand, the dangerous influence of fast-food is well known to the inhabitants of the Earth. That is why in this paper the key aspects of such activity as Slow Food were taken into account. It is important because Slow Food leads us against globalization, commercialization, and marketization of the world. The purpose of the article is to depict the key aspects of the Slow Food concept itself that developed from the social activists movement and nowadays is understood as the key unit of the enogastronomic tourism. The methods that were applied to the purpose of Slow Food study are quantitative analysis, literature knowledge and studying, method of “two steps”, comparative and geographical-comparative, historical, scientific synthesis, etc. The author’s point of view into the Slow Food existence can be depicted as one that transformed from the public social movement to the scientific concept of the enogastronomic tourism, and it is a result of the research accomplishment. Furthermore, the Slow Food movement essence is represented as a peculiar ecosystem and a route to the new way of people living, sustainable use of natural resources, complex cultural system, material and nonmaterial basis of the enogastronomic tourism. The movement strongly influences the rebuilding of the territorial linkages and the region sustainability, helps to balance the usage of the natural resources, and decrease the dangerous influence of human activities into the natural environment, leads to the cities rebranding and changes the tourist’s behavior in it.
The history, prerequisites, and place of Slow Food beginnings are briefly reviewed. The Slow Food movement as such one that widely spread all over the World through Slow Food-events application, thematic literature printing, academician community creation, and special education in the universities programs establishment is characterized. The key directions of the Slow Food activities are depicted. The key aspects of formation and development, the trajectory of Slow Food ideas movement, its transformation from an ideology into the scientific concept of the enogastronomic tourism are taken into account. The definition of “Slow Food” is given, and essential features of the concept are depictured. Also, the key theses and goals, principles and rules, the slogan, and agenda of Slow Food were reviewed.
At the same time, and this is the key importance of nowadays development and existence of the Slow Food concept, that there are some problems with the absence of strategic complex approach to its studying and development, and for its essential analysis. All of them could be mentioned as the perspective directions of future research and acquiring knowledge about it.
Keywords: Slow Food, tourism, enogastromonic tourism, movement, concept.
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Suggested citation:
Udovychenko V., 2020. Slow food: from the movement to the concept of the enogastromonic tourism. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1/2 (76/77), 82-88 (in Ukranian, abstr. in English), doi: 10.17721/1728-2721.2020.76-77.12
Received Editorial Board 15.10.2020
Accepted for publication 12.11.2020