Zapototskyi S.,
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3515-4187
Zapototska V.,
Holub Y.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Chernihiv is a large city in the north of Ukraine, which has been the center of socio-cultural and political life of Ukrainians since the times of Kyivan Rus’. Today, it is an industrial and cultural center, an important transport hub. In recent years, positive changes have been observed in the socio-economic development of Chernihiv. The article reveals the main features of urban development. Its tasks and main elements are described. The situation related to the state of air pollution, water resources, including in Chernihiv, was analyzed. The main sources of environmental pollution are described. The problem of solid waste management in the city is considered. Urban noise has been described as a factor in air pollution that adversely affects human health. The effect of insolation within the city is characterized, the consequences and requirements for its consideration in the planning of cities, districts or neighborhoods are indicated. The analysis of the aeration regime of the city territory as a factor influencing the comfort of living in the city is carried out. The role of green plantations is determined, which is an important element of the natural environment and improvement of urban space. Three types of comfort in the city (ecological, social and urban) are described and their main features are pointed out. Our vision of a comfortable city, which should be compact, convenient and polycentric, to provide equal access to benefits to different segments of society, is proposed. The industrial complex and the reasons for the decline in the pace and volume of industrial production in some previously leading industries are described. The main enterprises of Chernihiv that implement modern technological solutions are identified. The transport complex of the city and tendencies of its further development are considered. An analysis of health, education, culture and recreation facilities, as well as the situation in the social sphere of Chernihiv. An analysis of a sociological survey among the city’s residents on the improvement problems which concern residents the most has been carried out. This study showed that the most pressing issues for citizens are garbage removal and household waste management, the problem of heat supply and public transport. An analysis of respondents’ responses revealed that they support positive trends in the creation of new sports and children’s playgrounds, but want these facilities to be within walking distance of their place of residence. Most citizens are satisfied with the work of the city authorities to address the issues of improvement and comfort of Chernihiv, hoping for further positive changes. The paper identifies the priority areas of development of Chernihiv for the coming years. Among them: improving the living standards of the population, improving the environment, further economic growth, increasing employment in the city, updating and creating new quality infrastructure, supporting small and medium-sized businesses.
Keywords: city, provision of landscaping, comfort, social and ecological state, industrial complex, urban development.
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Suggested citation:
Zapototskyi S., Zapototska V., Holub Y., 2020. Socio-environmental aspects of provision of landscaping in the city of Chernihiv. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1/2 (76/77), 44-53 (in English, abstr. in Ukranian), doi: 10.17721/1728-2721.2020.76-77.6
Received Editorial Board 30.09.2020
Accepted for publication 12.11.2020