Kononenko O.
PhD Economy, Associate Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Molodyka V.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Sustainable waste management is an urgent task for modern science and management practice. The search for effective governance mechanisms within the framework of this study was performed in accordance with the concept of sustainable development and circular economy. The transition to a sustainable waste management model is considered as an advancing process to increase the part of mass production and consumption waste which is returned to the manufacturing cycle. In this regard, the assessment of sustainable waste management in the regions should include the dynamics indicators on the main components of waste management. The methodology of this study is based on the generalization of sustainable waste management indicators, which have been analyzed at a certain point in time and in the dynamics as well. The regions of the country were grouped by waste management efficiency. The selected four groups of regions are located rather compact, they have common features in terms of production profile and waste structure. The typification of the regions of Ukraine was developed on the basis of grouping, as well as taking into account the specialization of regions in one or a few main industries, levels of urbanization of these regions. Five types of regions were identified: two types with a high share of municipal waste, regions with a predominance of industrial waste, and two types of industrial-agrarian regions where the waste of different types is generated with a significant share of agricultural waste. Regions of the same type are typically characterized by the similarity of waste management issues. These can be both traditional problems of accumulating large quantities of waste in landfills, as well as new challenges related to population migration, the formation of new administrative units (united territorial communities), which change the functioning of the current system of waste management. Significant differences in the main waste management indicators for different types require the use of similar (typical) approaches to the development of regional strategies and regional waste management plans.
waste, sustainable development, circular economy, waste management efficiency, typification
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Suggested citation:
Kononenko, O., Molodyka, V., 2019. The typification of the regions of Ukraine by possibilities for sustainable waste management. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 2 (75), 28-34 (in Ukranian, abstr. in English), doi: 10.17721/1728-2721.2019.75.5
Received Editorial Board 28.11.2019
Accepted for publication 01.12.2019