M. Ismaylov, PhD Geography
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev,
Baku, Azerbaijan
The article describes the two main groups of factors influencing the modern landscape dynamics: natural and anthropogenic. The anthropogenic factors involved in landscape dynamics are more intense than natural factors. Natural factors mainly determine the direction of the dynamics of landscapes. In the structural-genetic relation the current state of landscapes of a zone of Caspian plains differs in exclusive dynamism and intensively increasing anthropogenic loading. In general, the coastal flat landscapes of the explored territory which left from under water in recent times in connection with late geology – geomorphology processes, have a relatively young pleistocene-golotsen age. In the structural- genetic relation the current state of landscapes of a zone of Caspian plains differs in exclusive dynamism and intensively increasing anthropogenic loading. In general, the coastal flat landscapes of the explored territory which left from under water in recent times in connection with late geology processes, have a relatively young pleistocene-golotsen age.
Development of extensive and intensive rural economy led to strong change of a vegetable cover here that complicates a research of cause and effect communications between vegetable areas and regularities of zone distribution of other components of landscapes. Now on the Lankaran lowland of the wood remained only in the form of fragments.
By our calculations, for the last 100 years woodiness of the Lankaran lowland decreased almost by 4-5 times. Basic changes of the forest areas Lankaran plains and replacement with their same agrotsenoza or afforestations consisting of one – two tree species (a kashtanolisty oak, a pine, a poplar, etc.), considerably strengthened integration of specific structure and level structure of a vegetable cover.
Deforestation, drainage of swamps, increase in zones of resettlement and population density, growth of acreage, fluctuation of level of the Caspian Sea were also the reasons of decrease in number and structure of primary fauna of the Caspian plain.
Keywords: anthropogenic factors, landscapes, dynamics, natural factors.
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Suggested citation:
M. Ismaylov (2019) Structural and genetic features and trends in the development of landscapes of the Caspian plains zone (South-East-Shirvan, Salyan And Lankaran). Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1 (74), 92-96 (in Russian, abstr. in English).
Received Editorial Board 07/02/2019
Accepted for publication 19/06/2019