I. Savchuk, PhD Geography
Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
The role of prerequisites in the development of the transport infrastructure of the capital of Ukraine is revealed. The author formulated methodological approaches to them. A comprehensive geographical description of the prerequisites for the development of the transport infrastructure of the Kyiv city agglomeration was carried out. It has been established that the main limitations are economic factors, which is caused by the highest cost of land resources in Ukraine precisely within this urban agglomeration. Natural factors continue to play a significant role only when carrying out specific prospecting for laying various types of infrastructure objects within it. There are new factors in the functioning and development of transport infrastructure. These include, first of all, the formation of united territorial communities. Their boundaries should be brought to life and their socio-economic development plans and spatial schemes should be developed. Thus, it is necessary to take into account local needs in the development of transport infrastructure with the general needs of the entire Kyiv city agglomeration. A significant role is played by the ownership of land. The concentration of land ownership in the hands of speculators and large developers leads to a sharp rise in the cost of the robot to acquire the necessary land for the construction of a new infrastructure. As a result, many new large residential areas do not have the necessary access roads and they are not connected to the citywide communications system. This leads to significant new problems for the solution of which it is necessary to coordinate new large-scale housing construction with the laying infrastructure. The main problem remains transport accessibility. Laying of highways to new buildings should be carried out at the expense of local budgets. However, there is often a conflict of interest between developers and local authorities. The latter do not want to invest substantial funds in the construction of roads and other types of infrastructure due to the fact that the cost of new relevant construction is much higher than the cost of housing built at the expense of borrowed funds. Thus, the existing suburban transport infrastructure takes on an ever-increasing stream of new daily commuter migrants. As a result, the quality of services provided drops sharply. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of life throughout the urban agglomeration.
Keywords: transport infrastructure, metropolis, Kyiv.
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Suggested citation:
I. Savchuk (2019) Background to development of transport infrastructure of Kyiv city agglomeration. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1 (74), 42-47 (in Ukranian, abstr. in English).
Received Editorial Board 27/03/2019
Accepted for publication 19/06/2019