V. Zapototska, PhD Geography, Assistant Professor
O. Skliarov, MSc
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The features of the location and functioning of renewable energy sources in the Northern Black Sea region in the context of political and economic transformations are considered. The strategic importance and expediency of using alternative energy power with the use of a “green” tariff and the implementation of a new electricity market have been proved.
Analyzed the main factors of development and operation of renewable energy sources, among ecology-geographical, socio-geographical, economic and geopolitical. The ecology-geographical factor makes assess first of all the natural and ecological conditions on the territory, which can be used to create new renewable energy power complexes with huge economic efficiency. For the Ukrainian Black Sea region, the prospects for the development of renewable energy power are primarily related to the use of wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energy. The Northern Black Sea that is part of Ukraine, which receives the largest amount of solar radiation and has a lower relief, which facilitates the movement of winds from the coast of the Black and Azov seas deeper into the territory. In the system of socio-geographical factors, the population density, the pattern of settlements, the level of infrastructure development, the availability of skilled labour forces and the availability of energy consumers will be estimated. An economic factor has allowed evaluating and analyzing the cost of electricity generation from renewable energy power. The assessment of the geopolitical factor enabled the possibility and prospects of cooperation with investors from Norway, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. Taking into account advanced international experience in the study of renewable energy capacity. Improved scientific methods for the investigation of renewable energy sources from the standpoint of social geography, not just within technological, engineering and economic areas. The principles of localization of alternative energy power are highlighted, which take into account the socio-geographical features of the Northern Black Sea Region: spatial distribution, labour resource potential, production infrastructure, economic attractiveness, regional competitiveness, etc.
Identified functional and sectorial types of the regions of the Northern Black Sea region, which depending on the prevailing types of generation and the volume of production of electric energy. According to the results of the research, four functional-branch types have been identified: solar power – Odesa Region, wind – Donetsk, wind and solar – Kherson and Zaporizhzhia and wind and solar + small hydropower + bioenergy – Mykolaiv Region. By 2026, we predicted changes of those types for the following: wind – Donetsk (without changes), solar + wind – Kherson, Zaporizhzhia (without changes) and Odessa regions and wind + solar + small hydropower + bioenergy – Mykolaiv Region (without changes).Reflected energy- deficient and energy-surplus areas within the Northern Black Sea region, taking into account the balance of renewable energy power and total electricity generation.
Investigated the potential of using alternative energy power using three-dimensional mathematical models. Spatial analysis of the most favourable spaces and areas for the development of new capacities of renewable energy power, taking into account the above factors and determinants, has been carried out.
The further development of renewable energy power was adjusted according to the United Energy Network Development Plan until 2026 and the flow of foreign direct investment from the countries of the European Union. Presented trend in the dynamics of the distribution of renewable energy power.
Keywords: renewable energy power, the Northern Black Sea region, “green” tariff, electric energy market, spatial distribution, territory potential.
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Suggested citation:
V. Zapototska, O. Skliarov (2019) Prospects` estimation of renewable energy power of the northern Black Sea region. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1 (74), 36-41 (in Ukranian, abstr. in English).
Received Editorial Board 07/06/2019
Accepted for publication 19/06/2019