P. Masliak
Doctor of Science in Geography, Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The problem of a quantitative assessment of the socio-geographical situation, which is relevant in modern social geography, is considered on the bases changes in the psychological and spatial orientation of population of Ukraine after the start of the Russian aggression.
The study was based on the volume of housing construction per capita in various areas of our state. It was revealed that the total volume of housing construction, which they operate when considering the attractiveness of certain regions, rather significantly distorts the riel psychological and spatial advantages of different regions of the country.
The cardinal changes in the assessment of the socio-geographical position of a different region of Ukraine over the past 5 years have been established. They consist of the reorientation of all social processes in the Western direction.
The approval of the processes of spatial-territorial remoteness from the borders with Russia, occupied by parts of the Donbas and the annexed Crimea as a favourable socio-economic factor is traced. This is our time is becoming more and more apparent with spatial-territorial investment preferences of not only Ukrainian but also foreign investors.
In Ukraine, in our time, housing is mostly built-in regional centres on near them. Thus, it is possible to foresee for the future not only a change in the assessment of the socio-geographical position of certain administrative region of the country but also their administrative and economic centres. In this regard, the situation with the irrational rapid movement of the population to the capital and regional centres and the depopulation of the entire region can be changed only with the help of administrative-territorial reform and the creation of 90 palenques instead of 25 administrative regions and 490 administrative districts.
Changes in the assessment of the attractiveness of the socio-geographical position are possible and subject to the deepening of neighbouring Belarus from the Russian Federation and the creation of a single state. Then there will be another reassessment of the socio-geographical as individual regions of the country, and many of its administrative and economic centres.
Keywords: socio-geographical space, monetary assessment of the socio-geographical position, destruction of space, territory instinct, spatial orientation
DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2721.2019.74.1
- Ofitsiynyy sait Derzhavnoyi sluzhby statystyky Ukrayiny [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu : hpp//www.ukrstat.gov.ua
Suggested citation:
P. Masliak (2019) Quantitative assessment of the social-geographical location of the territory. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1 (74), 5-8 (in Ukranian, abstr. in English).
Received Editorial Board 22/03/2019
Accepted for publication 19/06/2019