Oliinyk Y., Vashchenko O.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article exposes general features of labour potential development on Kyiv region in comparison with other regions of Ukraine. Focused on analysis of factors of employment of the labour potential of the region from the standpoint of social geography. Socio-geographical factors of formation and the use of labour potential of the region are revealed. Research of labour potential of Kiev region allows you to understand which socio-geographical factors most strongly influence the modern formation and the use of the labour potential of the region in comparison with other regions of Ukraine. The article proposes 23 indicators of four subsystems with six components, which determine the formation and the use of labor resources in the region. Integral indices of certain subsystems were calculated, which reflect the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of labour resources potential, which dynamically change under the influence of socio-geographical factors. The method of factor analysis has been applied, which provided for the normalization of the indicators (taking into account their stimulating and disincentive impact) of the regions of Ukraine; aggregation of indicators in indices for components of labour potential and the calculation of integral indices of educational-cultural, medical-ecological, demographic and economic subsystems. According to the results of calculations of factor scales and the integral rank of labour potential development in the regions of Ukraine, the peculiarities of the formation and the use of labour potential in Ukraine and the corresponding influence of socio-geographical factors are revealed. According to the integral ranking of the assessment of the formation and the use of labour potential, five groups of regions have been identified. The brief characterization of the selected groups of regions in relation to the role in shaping the labour potential of their regional centres is given in line with the level of diversification of the economy and the impact on the socio-cultural development of the region and the country as a whole, determined in the gender of socio-geographic factors of labour potential development. Three main aggregate socio-geographical factors of formation and development of labour potential of regions of Ukraine (medical-ecological factor, educational-cultural factor, demographic and economic factor) and their influence were revealed. Significant disproportions were found in the level of labour potential development in the regions of Ukraine. The place of the Kiev region was described in accordance with their actions. Kyiv region belongs to a group of regions with a high level of labour potential with the most significant effect of demographic and economic factors. Kyiv region is described as Hinterland, which is in close social and economic interconnection with Kyiv, which certainly affects the market situation of the labour market.
labour potential, factor analysis, region, Kyiv region.
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Suggested citation:
Oliinyk Y., Vashchenko O. (2018) Social and geographical factors of formation and the use of labor potential in Kyiv region. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 3 (72), 5-10 (in Ukranian, abstr. in English).