Netrobchuk I., Mykoliuk L.
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine
The purpose of the study is to assess the anthropogenic load and to determine the ecological status of the Turia river basin in order to develop measures to improve it. The calculation of anthropogenic loading and assessment of the ecological status of the river basin was carried out in accordance with the method of determining the induction coefficient (ICAL), developed by A. Jacyk. According to the method, the general state of the river basin is considered as four independent main subsystems: “Radioactive contamination of the territory”, “Land use”, “Use of river runoff”, “Water quality”. The value of the primary indicators of the subsystem of land and water use is transformed into points and provides a qualitative characteristic for each of them. Then they calculate the complex index and determine the class of the status of the use of the subsystem on a scale.
It was established that there is no radioactive contamination of land in the Turia river basin. According to the natural-agricultural zoning of Ukraine, the Turiar river basin, with a total area of 2,900 km2, is located in the Polisch Province of Western Ukraine. The level of land use resources in the basin is significant in all indicators and the state of the subsystem is rated as “extremely unsatisfactory” with a quantitative level of -3.2. It is also noted that in the Turia river basin there was a low irreversible water consumption and a discharge of water into the river network with quantitative measure 3. At the same time, very high discharges of polluted sewage and a high use of river runoff were observed and estimated at -5 and -3 points respectively. Consequently, the state of the subsystem “Use of river runoff” in the basin of the river Turia for the level of water consumption is classified as “bad” with a quantitative measure of 0.8. The state of the subsystem “Water Quality”, according to the integral ecological index (2.4), described the water as category 2 of the second class (“pure”) with a quantitative measure 1. In general, the ecological status of the river basin of the river Turia was classified as “bad”, and the level of anthropogenic loading by magnitude ICAN was -0.62, which testifies to a violation of the norms of management in it while using land and water resources.
Hence, an estimation of anthropogenic load on the river basin is very important for the formation of environmental protection and the establishment of indicators that most influence the ecological status of the river. It is important to develop engineering and organizational measures to solve existing problems in its catchment. All this outlines the prospect of further research in the basins of the Volyn region rivers.
river basin, anthropogenic loading, inductance coefficient, land, water resources, water quality, ecological status.
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Suggested citation:
Netrobchuk I., Mykoliuk L. (2018) Assessment of antropogenic loading at Turia basin in Volyn region. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka GEOGRAFIYA [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1 (70), 64-67 (in Ukranian, abstr. in English).