Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка


Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Getman V.

State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management
of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


National Natural Park (NPP) “Dzharylgatskyi” was established by Decree of the President of Ukraine from December 11, 2009, on the territory of Skadovsky district of Kherson region. This was preceded by the creation of Dzharylgatskyi botanical reserve of national importance in 1974.

According to the physical-geographical zoning of Ukraine, the territory of the NPP “Dzharylgatskyi” refers to the Nizhnedneprovsky terraced-delta landscape of the Black Sea-Pryazovsky dry-steppe region.

The main territorial area of the National Park “Dzharylgatskyi” is the Dzharylgach island with a narrow spit in its western part. The geomorphologic location of the park belongs to the region of the coastal zone of the Nizhnedneprovsk oblast plain, which includes the Oleshkivski Sands and the Kinburn Spit.

Island surroundings represent the psamophytic steppe and it is one of the great features of the nature reserve in the south of Ukraine. Island isolation – the remoteness from the settlements of the mainland – is the greatest natural value of Dzharylgach. This is the largest uninhabited island in Europe.

Flora of the NPP “Dzharylgatskyi” includes about 500 species of higher plants.

The uniqueness of the Dzharylgatsky natural complex, the mild climatic conditions in the winter and the location along the Azov-Black Sea migration corridor have created some favourable conditions for the abundance of a significant number of birds species in different seasons of the year.

Dzharylhach Island is an important link between the coastal environmental corridor. It is a place for birds to rest and nest during seasonal migrations.

The territory of the national park is the part of one of the largest wetlands of international importance – “Karkinitskaya and Dzharilgatska Gulfs”.

NPP “Dzharylgatsky” belongs to the Skadovsk resort zone with its warm sea, sandy beaches, long swimming season, which characterizes the park as a unique area for recreation and tourism. Discovered on Dzharylgach put peloids in their characteristics meet the highest requirements for therapeutic mud.

This article analyzes the features of the natural environment and resources of the National Park “Dzharylgatskyi.” Attention is drawn to the geomorphological features of island spit. The article also raises the question of developing nature reserve agencies, such as the natural laboratory (bank) to conserve rare animals and plants.

national park, spit, island, flora, fauna


DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2721.2018.70.8


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Suggested citation:

Getman V. (2018) National Nature Park “Dzharylgatskyi”. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka GEOGRAFIYA [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1 (70), 50-53 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).