Bondarenko E., Kyryliuk M.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article is devoted to considering issues of database design of natural reserve fund of Ukraine in Poltava region. It will become an informational basis for simulating of the interactive map – a dynamic electronic model. It’s characterized with the regime of close bilateral dialogue of the user and the software and hardware of its functioning. It’s a visual information system.
The authors formulate the system of methodological principles for designing and creating a database as an informational component of the interactive map of natural reserve fund objects of Ukraine on the basis of analysis of the general requirements for the development of spatial databases for mapping. These are the principles: complexity (provides an integral characteristic of objects with ability to combine graphic and attribute information in one file); the flexibility of the query system (allows uninterrupted work with data based on the use of language structured queries); versatility of integration (involves the use of data and databases from different sources and formats in one simulation session); consistency (provides for the elimination of conflict situations in the process of searching / obtaining information from different structural elements of the database), modernity (characterized by the need to maintain data at the current level in terms of content and form).
The main stages of the design of the database of natural reserve fund objects of Ukraine are a consecutive combination of three levels: conceptual, logical and practical.
In the process of characterization of the conceptual model of the geographic data of the base of natural reserve fund objects of Ukraine, it is indicated on its main purpose, the structure of the units of filling the database with the necessary information for the model mapping area (Poltava region) is developed. The logical structure of the elements of the database of natural reserve fund objects of Ukraine according to their management system, which is used in the software that is planned to be used, justifies the use of the relational database model and the language of structured queries. At the practical level, the volumes of information stored in the database and the necessary volumes of memory of the computer (operational and long-term) are determined; considered the issue of organizing files on a disk or other media to provide software access to them, representation of data in the computer memory with data types (mainly numeric and symbolic).
The types of data sources necessary for the development and creation of a database of natural reserve fund objects of Ukraine are defined; the classes of software products for the possible implementation of its creation on the physical level of design are specified.
database, nature reserve fund, interactive map, electronic cartographic model, software and hardware, geoinformation system, database design level, data sources, relational model.
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Suggested citation:
Bondarenko E., Kyryliuk M. (2017) Nature reserve fund of Ukraine objects in Poltava oblast database design: information and software. Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 3-4 (68-69), 118-122 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).