Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка


Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Korchemluk M., Kravchinskiy R., Motruk M., Savchuk B.

Carpathian National Nature Park, Yaremche, Ukraine

The publication is devoted to a special component of the landscape of the Ukrainian Carpathians – highland lakes. Based on the use of mathematical and statistical methods, regularities in the distribution of carrion lakes within the Chornohora mountain range in the territory of the Carpathian National Nature Park have been revealed. The interrelation of high mountain lakes with other components of the environment is revealed.In particular, there are four factors affecting the lake: the first is the soil cover and steepness of the slopes, the second – the geological factor, the third – the impact of vertical zoning and flood area and the fourth factor affecting the processes of eutrophication, which probably reflects the impact of global climatic processes.A classification of reservoirs has been carried out for a number of physic-geographical and morphometric indices, and we have three types of lakes: I) lakes Nesamovyte, Vesnyanky, Neyavchin Persten’ – located on the south-western and northwest slopes of the mountains; the data of the lake have insignificant сoefficients of lake shoreline, the least forestedness of the catchment and relatively high values of pH (an average of 6.8).II) lakes Tumanne and Maricheyka – are distant from Hoverla (13-18 km) and are characterized by significant average morphometric characteristics, having the lowest values of the coefficients of the form (1,6); and significant forests of the catchment; located on the steep slopes of the eastern and southeast exposition and have small pH values (on average – 6.35).III) lakes Chugaistriv, Gadjinka, Zakhovane, Ploske, Jerepove, Holodne and Hvoshchove – are characterized by the lowest morphometric indicators; have the highest coefficients of form and coefficients of tortuosity; located at insignificant altitudes, near (except for Hvoshchove Lake) are far from Hoverla (about 7.5 km). The exposition of the slopes, where the lakes are located, are northeast with a slight steepness (12,5 °). In the soil, the mountain-meadow is easily loamy in the complex (10%) with rocky loams.

Carpathian National Nature Park, Chornogora, kars (glacial, high mountain, circus) lakes, predictors, morphometric characteristics, factor analysis, clusterization.


DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2721.2017.68.9


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Suggested citation:
Korchemluk M., Kravchinskiy R., Motruk M., Savchuk B. (2017) Kars lakes of Carpathian National Nature Park in the system of landscape-geomorphological diversity. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka GEOGRAFIYA [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 3-4 (68-69), 47-52 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).