Yatsenko Y., Shevchenko O., Snizhko S.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The purpose of the work is to study the current level of air pollution of Ukrainian cities with suspended substances, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde to identify the most contaminated cities, their ranking and classification of cities by the level of exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) by the average annual concentrations of the above substances for the list determination cities for the priority implementation of environmental measures.
For the purpose of the study, information was obtained from the Central Geophysical Observatory about the data and average concentrations of suspended solids, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde in the air of cities of Ukraine (data for the period of 2013, average annual – for the period 1998-2015).
The classification of cities according to the level of the MAC exceeds the average annual concentrations of suspended matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde. There are 3 groups of cities for suspended substances: Group 1 (26 cities) permissible level of pollution (<1 MAC); Group 2 (15 cities) – the elevated level of pollution (1-2 MACs); Group 3 (7 cities) – high level of pollution (2-3 MACs). For carbon monoxide, 2 groups of cities are allocated: Group 1 (36 cities) the permissible level of pollution (<1 MAC); Group 2 (8 cities) – an elevated level of pollution (1-2 MACs). Three groups for nitrogen dioxide: Group 1 (21 cities) permissible level of pollution (<1 MAC); Group 2 (27 cities) – elevated level of pollution (1-2 MACs); Group 3 (3 cities) – high level of pollution (2-3 MACs). For formaldehyde, four groups of cities are allocated: Group 1 (4 cities) permissible level of pollution (<1 MAC); Group 2 (13 cities) – elevated level of pollution (1-2 MACs); Group 3 (12 cities) – high level of pollution (2-3 MACs); Group 4 (13 cities) Extremely high level of pollution (3-6 MACs).
It was investigated what percent of the days during 2013 had a concentration of higher MAC. The research was conducted in 6 cities (Sevastopol, Mariupol, Toretsk, Yenakiyevo, Ternopil, Uzhgorod and Kyiv).
The results of the performed research can become the basis for the selection of objects for further in-depth study and analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of air pollution in the cities of Ukraine.
atmospheric air pollution, suspended matter, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, excess of maximum allowable concentration.
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Suggested citation:
Yatsenko Y., ShevchenkoO., Snizhko S. (2017) Classification of the city of Ukraine on the level of atmospheric air pollution. Visnyk Kyivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka GEOGRAFIYA [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 3-4 (68-69), 25-30 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).