Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка


Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Sosnitsky Y., Sagan J.

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine



Purpose. The article is the disclosure of the functioning of the sugar-beet complex Volyn region in the current market conditions, the isolation of the main problems and prospects of the industry and its branches.

The methodological basis of the work is a systematic approach to the study of social and economic processes occurring in the sugar beet sector Volyn region. During the research used a number of methods, main of which are: theoretical generalization, comparison and analysis of system-structural analysis, mapping.

Research results. While Ukraine has transitioned to the market relations it was mentioned the decrease of  sugar – beet’s  acreage in Volyn region and this data was 11,300 hectares in 2005. It was collected 4,202,000 tones of sugar beet from this area. The reasons for the reduction of sugar beet crops is the lack of economic incentives sugar beet households, worsening their financial situation and logistical support, and lack of effective measures to protect domestic sugar market.

The main producers of sugar beet sector is the southern districts. The choic of sugar beet branch for agriculture concerns of the southern regions caused by the proximity of processing plants as transport factor is one of the most important when placing the industry and has a direct impact on profitability.

Processing link sugar-beet complex in the Volyn region includes two sugar factories, which in 2015 processed 4,204,000 tons of sugar beet and produced 63,4 00  tons of sugar.

The main problem of sugar beet complex is insufficient integration and weak links between sugar beet producers and processors. The main way to overcome this problem is to use cluster system of production.

Scientific novelty. Comprehensively reveals the current state sugar beet production in the Volyn region and analyzed the dynamics that characterized to him. The mapped schemes were created to reflect the regional differences of sugar  heet production of the district that was researched.

The practical significance. Ways to improve the functioning of the proposed sugar-beet complex in the Volyn region can be used in the preparation of applications development in the region, Volyn Regional State Administration. Some provisions can be implemented in the educational process of the Faculty of Geography.


sugar beet complex, sown area, average yield, profitability, Volyn region



DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2721.2017.66.19


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Suggested citation:

Sosnitsky Y., Sagan J.  (2017) Development of the beverage production in market conditions (on the example of the Volynsk region). Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1-2 (66-67), 117-120 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).