Tkachuk L.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article reveals the multifaceted nature of tourism as a global scale social phenomenon. Tourism embraces nearly all aspects of our society. The main directions and tasks of its research by various sciences are disclosed. The necessary of integrating a number of subjects to study tourism is underlined. Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work, which is induced by the natural and cultural diversity of the world. The essence of tourism as a travel define the context of geographical researches on tourism, in particular, there are researches on geography of tourist resources and flows, sustainable destinations management. Tourism as a social phenomenon has a variety of social-cultural impacts in all sociological dimensions. The main aspects of sociological researches of tourism have resulted in tourists’ typology and theory of “hosts and guests” relations. The modern mass international tourism is regarded in this article as a symbol of the postmodernism society. The economic and environmental effects of tourism are determined. As a key sector for economic development and job creation (for both men and women) throughout the world, tourism is one of the strongest drivers of global trade and prosperity. Tourism directly contributed US$2.3 trillion and 109 million jobs worldwide in 2016. It is revealed that tourism in many developing and least developed countries is the most viable and sustainable economic development option, and in some countries, the main source of foreign exchange earnings. Tourism impacts on the natural environment in various ways. Some forms of tourism can be extremely detrimental to ecologically sensitive areas, resulting in their degradation or destruction. The role of tourism in strengthening international economic relations, maintaining peace and stability in the world is also noted. It is determined that tourism can reduce prejudice among individuals, influences national institutions, structures and attitudes to create and sustain peaceful societies.
tourism, travel, the socio-cultural impact of tourism, typology of tourists, economic functions of tourism, the ecological aspect of tourism, tourism as a form of international relations.
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Suggested citation:
Tkachuk L. (2017) Tourism as a multidimensional phenomenon. Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1-2 (66-67), 109-113 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).