Dronova E., Boklag E.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The features of the socio-geographic research of urban transport systems impact on the people vital functions are disclosed in this paper. The indicators of transport networks development and current requirements for public transport are analyzed. It is revealed that a key concept of the investigation of transport impact on the population is accessibility. Accessibility is defined as the ability of individual to access to certain centers or services. It involves such aspects as services availability and quality, travel time, cost and effort of movement in space. Article emphasizes that the indigents suffer the cumulative effect of poor transport accessibility, because of their habitats in low-price neighborhoods are often located far from the places of employment or services. The high cost of transportation and required high travel efforts restricts mobility.
The map of travel time accessibility to the Kyiv center by public transport was created using the isochronous method. The analysis of this map allows identifying the disparities in the development of the transport network. In some areas a very low accessibility can be revealed due to lack of access roads, land forms complexity, individual housing system, the airport location, railway lines with insufficient number of bridges etc. Particularly difficult situation is typical for such areas as Darnytskyi Railway Carriage Repair Plant region, Juliani, Troyeshchyna and Borschagivka.
The average daily passenger traffic flow of the stations of three subway lines in Kiev was analyzed. The maximum and minimum loads and factors that affect them are considered. It is revealed in the research that Kiev transport system has a low level of availability, safety, environmental friendliness and comfort and not enough advantageous for persons with disabilities. The excessive level of automobilization in Kiev can be considered as the evidence of imperfection and inconvenience of the public transport there. From the other hand the motorized vehicles are a factor that displaces public transport from the urban transport system and prevent its development.
The priority measures for the improvement of transport situation in Ukraine capital are outlined. They include solving the problem of Dnipro river bridges congestion; enhancement the accessibility of areas cut off by railways in the way of expanding the network of overpasses; construction of the new modes of high-speed light-rail transit; adoption of the traffic automated management system; development and encouragement of the use of environmentally sound forms of transport (vehicles powered by electricity or alternative fuels, etc.).
transport system, urban transport network, public transport, accessibility, traffic flow
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Suggested citation:
Dronova E., Boklag E. (2017) The impact of the Kyiv transport system on citizens life and mobility. Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1-2 (66-67), 94-100 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).