1 Tomchenko O., 2 Mazurkiewicz L., 3 Malets A.
1 State institution “Scientific center for aerospace researches of the Earth of IGS NAS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
2,3 Rusanovsky Lyceum, Kyiv, Ukraine
Changes of Dnieper’s islands’ landscapes within Kyiv at the example of Velykiy Pivnichniy Island are studied. Using GIS, cartographic materials and remote sensing data the island’s square dynamic for more than seventy years is obtained. During decoding vector layers – the contours of the coastline of the island and the island area – were created and island’s square for 1942, 1975, 1985, 1990, 2000, 2015 years was estimated. Using module implemented in ArcScene ArcGIS the dynamics of long-term changes of Velykiy Island’s shape was modeled and clearly reflected in the form of three-dimensional models.
The coastal landscape of Kyiv began to rapidly change for the past 100-200 years due to rapid urban sprawl. Before it Dnieper’s backwater in Kiev formed by glaciers and it became the basis for floodplain in Kiev region for a long time. In the 19th century held-rectifying work was conducted and it greatly influenced the coastal landscape of our city. Formation of new islands, such as Grand Island and changes of old islands (such as the island of Murom united with Truhanov Island) has begun. Great Island consisted of 2 parts, one of which joined the island much later than the first part of the island was formed. From 1950 to 1990 the island had the largest area and it was unchanged while this period. The rapid square reduction began in the 1990s when sand mining started for the purpose of Troieshchyna district building. Currently the island is used as a career for the extraction of sand, which is important for development of different districts, including cottages on the site of meadows and oak forests on north of the Gulf of Camel. It is a negative factor for the island, where there are different species of animals and plants are located. The island is also an example of modern Dnieper floodplain formation and it should be preserved as a conservation area of the city.
Kyiv Islands, Velykiy Pivnichniy, coastline, sand mining, GIS technology, remote sensing.
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Suggested citation:
Tomchenko O., Mazurkiewicz L., Malets A. (2017) Study of Dnieper’s islands’ shoreline change dynamics within Kiev region (at the example of Velykiy Pivnichniy island). Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1-2 (66-67), 84-88 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).