Obodovskyi O. Danko, K., Pochaievets, O. Obodovskyi, Yu.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Based on current realities of the massive need of alternative sources of energy and energy-efficiency and energy-saving the algorithm and method of determining hydropower potential of rivers were presented in the article. Approbation of the algorithm and methodology was made on streams Ukrainian Carpathians. The approach of determining hydropower potential by defining its four components was proposed based on the results of approbation. The four components are – total, environmental, technically possible and economically effectively hydropower potentials. This approach provides an estimate of potential energy resources streams, taking into account the potential loss energy capacity, helps prevent these losses and the efficient use of hydropower. Sequence determination of total hydropower potential, as indicative of full theoretical energy characteristics of river flow was justified. Expediency definition and concept of assessing the ecological and particularly technically feasible hydropower potential has been proven. Criteria expert risk of losses technically possible hydropower potential of watercourses was proposed. The scheme of distribution basin hydropower potential has been presented and analyzed in the article. The scheme provides forecasting algorithm changes hydropower, given the prospects of global climate change and fluctuations in water flow as a consequence.
hydropower potential of the river of the Ukrainian Carpathians, the establishment of the hydropower potential, the average annual runoff
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Suggested citation:
Obodovskyi, O., Danko, K., Pochaievets, O., Obodovskyi, Yu. (2016). Methods of assessment hydropower potential of the rivers (the example of Ukrainian Carpathians rivers). Visnyk Kyivskogo natsionalnogo universytetu, Geografiya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography], 1 (64), 5-12 (in Ukrainian, abstr. in English).