Requirements for the articles
Requirements for registration of materials – 2022!
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Geography series.
In order to disseminate scientific work among scholars both in Ukraine and abroad, all Ukrainian-language materials that successfully pass the double-blind review procedure
must be translated and published in English.
- UDC in the first line with alignment on the left edge (Arial, 8 pt, bold).
- AUTHOR’S FIRST INITIAL AND SURNAME, academic degree or position (for those without a scientific degree) with right-aligned (Arial, 8 pt, bold), ORCID ID: 0000-00000-0000-0000 (and other available pages ResearhGate, SSRN, Microsoft Academic), the institution he represents, city, country.
!!! It is recommended to involve foreign researchers on relevant topics in the author’s team.
- TITLE OF ARTICLE (5-9 words) is given by the REGULATION with alignment on the center (Arial Black, 10 pt, usual). Do not use phrases like “Research question,”, “Some questions…”, “Problems…”, “Ways…”, etc. in the title. One line is skipped before and after the article title
- ANNOTATION in Ukrainian from 1800 characters (from 250 words in one language) with the use of impersonal constructions, for example: “Researched…”, “Developed…”, “Received…”, etc. (Arial, 8 pt, bold italics). In addition to the object and results of the study, it is necessary to indicate the relevance of the research topic and research methodology.
- THE TEXT OF THE ARTICLE is typed exclusively in A4 format (210 * 297 mm) of book orientation, aligned in width. Font: Arial, 9 pt, spacing 1.0. Margins: top 2.54, bottom 2.0, left 1.8, right 1.8 cm. Weave: 0. From the edge to the header and footer of 1.7 cm. Paragraph – 0.5 cm. No indents before and after the paragraph should not be. Do not use style markup. Do not number pages.
The article should be written in an equal and academic style, the language of the material – high quality, the text is read by the author. There can be no more than 5 errors on one page.
Text structure – main headings:
- The relevance of the study / Problem statement (justify the prospects and importance of the study) (not more than 10% of the text)
- Analysis of recent research and publications (not a simple list of sources through the expression “questions researched…”, namely the analysis of recent and relevant sources on this topic, the level of study by researchers in the relevant field of research with references in the text according to the rules of your work )
- Purpose (task) of the study
- Methodology and methodology (where not just the methods are listed, but the algorithm of their use is revealed)
- Presentation of the main results of the study
- Conclusions should reflect the most important results of your research, which contain scientific novelty and have theoretical and (or) practical significance. They should take the form of a synthesis of the scientific information accumulated in the main part of the article, ie a consistent, clear, logical presentation of the most important research results obtained by you personally in accordance with the set goal. The scientific novelty of the research results should be characterized by the following features: rationality, validity, reliability, logical consistency, compliance with the fundamental principles of science. Conclusions must be at least 10% of the total text.
The volume of the article should not exceed 7 pages (1.1 da) for authors with a doctorate, 6-5 pages (0.7 da) – candidates of sciences, 5-4 pages (0.5 d) .a.) – without a scientific degree.
Footnotes and page links are not allowed in the text. References in the text to the original sources are given in parentheses according to the sample (surname, year): for example 1 author – (Petrenko, 1999), 2 authors and more (Petrenko, 1999; Beydik, 1996). See more details. APA (American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Https://
Formulas are presented only with the help of the Microsoft Equation formula editor (font of capital letters – Times New Roman, 10 pt, Latin characters – in italics, Greek – direct).
There should be no more than one table in the work! Create tables only with Microsoft Word. Tables should not go beyond the text. Aligned in the center. All tables must have a title (a separate paragraph above the table). All included tables must be referenced in the text.
There should be no more than one drawing in the work! Drawings are submitted in JPEG format or made using Microsoft Word or Excel. Drawings should be in black and white only. The text of the image must be editable. The figure is inserted into the document “in the text” (ie not placed on top of the text). The picture should not go beyond the text. Aligned in the center. All figures must have captions (a separate paragraph below the figure). Names should not be part of a picture. Scanned drawings should be made only by means of PhotoShop, not less than 300 dpi, be clear, contrast. Clean the drawing from “dirt” (dots, strokes, etc.) with PhotoShop. All text elements must be applied only with Microsoft Word. All pictures are inserted through the “Insert” menu, “Object” option, “Microsoft Word Picture” option, where the picture is inserted. Captions are added using the Drawing toolbar (Arial, 8 pt, bold).
Throughout the text of the article, only the first initial is indicated before the scientist’s name. An inseparable space (Ctrl + Shift + space) is placed between the initial and the last name.
Each abbreviation is entered in the text in parentheses after the first mention of the phrase.
Reduction of monetary, metric, time units (UAH, ml, km, h, min, s, etc.) and reduction of millions, billion to write without a dot. Put an inseparable space between the numerical value and the abbreviated name of the unit of measurement.
- REFERENCES (list of sources used) is provided in accordance with the requirements of the APA – American Psychological Association (5th ed.). For reference, go to
The list is presented with end-to-end paragraph numbering in alphabetical order (Arial, 7 pt, regular), not in the order of mention in the text. The names and initials of the authors are highlighted in italics. All authors should be included in the description of the article, without reducing them by three or four.
Ukrainian titles of publications are transliterated and translated into English. The titles of publications are also translated. If available, be sure to provide a digital DOI or hyperlink. For Ukrainian references, the language of the original is indicated in parentheses (In Ukrainian).
English-language sources are provided in the original language. Sources in other languages (except Ukrainian) are given without transliteration, but with English translation in square brackets of the title of the material.
Authors, year of publication. Name of Ukrainian source in transliterated version. [English translation of the title of the article in square brackets]. Imprint in English (publisher name, magazine name, volume / edition number, topic / series issue (if specified) and page numbers). Digital identifier (DOI index (if available) or hyperlink (Retrieved from http: // www ….). In parentheses, the language of the original – (In Ukrainian).
Article link:
Beydik, O., 2019. Vyznachni rodovyshcha korysnykh kopalyn u tablytsi D. I. Mendelyeyeva: svitovyy vymir [Indigenous mineral deposits in the table D. I. Mendeleev: world dimension]. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Geography, 1(74), 13-17. DOI:10.17721/1728-2721.2019.74.3 або Retrieved from (In Ukranian).
Book links:
Beydik, O.O., Padoon, M.M., 1996. Heohrafiya: Posibnyk dlya vstupnykiv do vyshchykh navchalʹnykh zakladiv. [Geography: A Guide for Entrants to Higher Educational Institutions] (2nd ed.). Kyiv: Lybid (In Ukranian).
Biletsky, V.S., Boyko, V.S., Dovgy, S.O., 2004, 2007, 2013. Mala hirnycha entsyklopediya: u 3-kh tomakh [Minor Mining Encyclopedia: in three volums]. Vol.I-II: Donetsk: Donbass; Vol.ІІІ: Donetsk: Eastern Publishing House (In Ukranian).
Gursky, D. S., Yeysipchuk, K. Yu., Kalinin, V.I., 2006. Metalichni i nemetalichni ta korysni kopalyny Ukrayiny [Metallic and nonmetallic minerals and minerals of Ukraine]. Kyiv – Lviv: Center of Europe (In Ukranian).
Yatsenko, B.P., Kiptenko, V.K., 2009. Krayinoznavstvo: osnovy teoriyi [Regional Studies: Foundations of Theory]. Kyiv: Lybidʹ (In Ukranian).
The percentage of self-citation should not exceed 20-25%.
It is desirable that the material includes fresh sources no more than three years old. It is not possible (usually) to limit oneself to sources published in the country of affiliation of the authors of the article, especially when the issue concerns general problems, so it is obligatory to refer to foreign sources. The list of sources should include references to materials published on the subject of the material in publications included in scientometric databases (Scopus / Web of Science)
- After the list of references the date of receipt to the editorial board with alignment on the right edge is specified: Received to the editorial board on April 9, 2019 (Arial, 7 pt, bold, 1 pt discharge).
- At the end of the text, information about the author (s), the title of the material, and annotation are provided in English/Ukranian.
Surname, first initial of the author (s), institution, city, country (Arial, 8 pt, bold).
The title of the article is given by the REGULATION with alignment in the center (Arial, 10 pt, bold).
Abstract in English/Ukranian from 3000 characters (from 300 words in one language, Arial, 8 pt, bold italics). As our publication is not entirely in Ukrainian, each non-Ukrainian publication is accompanied by an annotation in Ukrainian of at least 1800 characters, including keywords.
- The author’s cover letter to the editorial board and the text of the article in DOC / DOXC format are sent to the official mail of the editorial board A review by the supervisor is required for graduate students and researchers.
- The final part:
Information about the author (authors) (full name, academic title, degree, place of work/study, position, it is recommended to indicate the available pages ResearhGate, ORCID, SSRN, Microsoft Academic), mailing address, New Mail office for possible sending a copy of the journal printing material, mobile phone.
The authors undertake to inform the editors about the sources of funding for their publication, as well as the contribution of research institutions, societies and other organizations to the study. Information is also provided on any grants received in support of research. Any thanks are also given at the end of the article.
WARNING! Ethical obligations of the authors
Articles submitted to the editorial board should not be considered in any other journal at the same time and should not be published in other publications in a similar or insignificantly modified form. Submitted materials are checked for plagiarism, fictitious and guest authorship.
The authors of published articles are fully responsible for the originality and authorial authenticity of published works and protection of intellectual property rights to the work, for the selection and accuracy of facts, figures, quotations, geographical names, proper names, completeness and accuracy of references, references to literary references. other information.
The editorial board of Visnyk may not share the opinion of the authors and is not responsible for the content of the articles.
УДК 911.3
В. Кравець, асист.
ORCID ID: 0000-00000-0000-0000
Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, Чернівці, Україна
О.Яфімович, к.екон. н., асист.
ORCID ID: 0000-00000-0000-0000
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна
[1800 знаків, 250 слів] Розглянуто особливості формування міської земельної ренти. Висвітлено історичні етапи розвитку наукових знань про ренту міських поселень. Виділено характерні риси диференціальної, абсолютної та монопольної ренти. Проаналізовано особливості формування земельної ренти в різних функціональних поясах міста. Досліджено характер впливу земельної ренти на розміщення промислових підприємств, об’єктів торгівлі та інших закладів сфери послуг і житлової нерухомості міста. Розкрито механізми формування ціни на землю, методику і методи її розрахунків, характер впливу на економічну ефективність виробництва.
Ключові слова: земельна рента, місто, розміщення промислових підприємств, розміщення житлової нерухомості, розміщення закладів торгівлі та сфери послуг.
Актуальність дослідження / Постановка проблеми (обґрунтувати перспективи та важливість дослідження)
Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій (не перелік списку джерел через вираз «питання досліджували…», а саме аналіз останніх та актуальних джерел з даної тематики, рівень вивченості питання дослідниками у відповідній сфері дослідження)
Мета (завдання) дослідження
Методика та методологія (де не просто перераховані методи, а розкрито алгоритм їх використання)
Виклад основного результатів дослідження
Висновки (наукова новизна та перспективи дослідження)
Yatsenko, B.P., Kiptenko, V.K., 2009. Krayinoznavstvo: osnovy teoriyi [Regional Studies: Foundations of Theory]. Kyiv: Lybidʹ (In Ukranian).
Надійшла до редколегії 16.10.2017
V.Kravets, Assistant
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
O.Yafinovych, PhD Economy, Assistant Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
[3000 знаків, 300 слів] The features of the urban land rent development are disclosed. The historical stages of urban settlements land rent investigations are explored. The typical features of differential, absolute as well as monopoly land rents are investigated. The features of land rent development in different functional zones of the city are analyzed. The influence of land rent on industrial enterprises location, trade and other services location as well as on residential real estate location in the city is investigated. The mechanisms of land rent cost formation, the methodology and methods of its calculations as well as the impact of land rent on enterprises’ economic efficiency are disclosed.
Keywords: land rent, the city, industrial enterprises location, residential real estate location, trade and services location.